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PawLogic is a program for manipulating boolean expressions. The program handles both expressions in propositional logic and quantifi
 » Home » Education » Mathematics » PawLogic -- License B 1.0.3
License: Shareware
Version: 1.0.3
System: Palm OS
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $12
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 1381
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
Click here to Download

PawLogic is a program for manipulating boolean expressions. The
program handles both expressions in propositional logic and quantified
boolean formulae (QBF).

Logic is widely used today. It forms the basis of mathematical
proof methods. It is used in formal verification like symbolic model
checking and equivalence checking of combinational and sequential
circuits. Logic is also behind product configurators and the construction of
remote controls and traffic light intersections. And logic is
something we all use daily. For example, most of us readily accept the
following reasoning: `If it rains, I get wet. It rains. Therefore I
get wet.` This is applied logic.

PawLogic lets you work and experiment with logic. If you are a
student of logic, you get a valuable tool to aid you in your
studies. If you are a professional working with logic, you get an
always accissible logic program for you to use whether at the office,
at home or on the move. And if you are just interested in the world of
logic, here is your chance to get hands-on experience.

PawLogic works under PalmOS 2.0 and higher. Copyright © 2000
Poul F. Williams. All Rights Reserved.

Visit the PawEng webpage for more information. We have a manual available online including a number of screenshots.


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Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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